Apply Repetitively Tones of Colour to Arrive at a Freshly Updated Interior

Darker tones? Lighter tones? Repeating darker tones or lighter tones throughout your room will create an interesting spatial design.



Tone is the lightness or darkness of a colour. The above interior has  organic neutral white tones that are created by  the dominant use of neutral shades of white in the frames displayed on both walls, the off-whites of the walls, the ceiling, the shade of the table lamp, upholstery, cushions and decorative pieces on all tables.


Repetition of elements within a work of art creates the mood of unity. This interior has white neutral tones repeated throughout the imaged on both walls, the decorative pieces on the main table and both side tables, the table lamp, the off-white colour of the walls, ceiling and blinds, and the upholstery and matching cushions. The neutral tones combined with gentle organic colours of organic browns are beautifully repeated between the images on the walls, the decorative elements on tables and the striped pattern of the upholstery.


Repeatedly applying the white neutral tones gently combined with small elements of wood, small organic details and off-white fabrics creates a tranquil room that is both peaceful and yet appealing. Subdued white tones give this interior a feeling of luxury and sophistication that continues throughout the room.

Next page: How to Use Color and Gradation in Interior Remodeling


YAGOV  Modern Interior & Home Decor Library

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